Rituals & Rites of Passage

photo by Darrah Bryans

photo by Ryan Richardson

photo by Darrah Bryans

photo by George Street Photo

We need rituals to mark the important moments in our lives, and we need rituals to mark the seasons and cycles of our lives. 

Our Unitarian Universalist faith offers wonderful rituals to mark big moments in our lives: baby dedications, Coming of Age, marriage ceremonies, and memorial services. I love leading rites of passage services, as it allows me to connect pastorally with the people involved. It is a privilege to be entrusted to help people hold those moments that are so pivotal in their lives. 

I have a deep love for crafting and leading rituals, which allow a community to engage in a shared experience of meaning making. Rituals allow us to mark a transition or facilitate a transformation in a way that is embodied and participatory. Both in Sunday morning worship and beyond, I frequently incorporate rituals that help us to mark the seasons and cycles—from more “standard” congregational rituals like water communion and flower communion, to less traditional rituals like All Souls Day or a New Year's ritual of letting go and intention setting. 

You can read more about my upcoming anthology of rituals, "Blessing it All: Rituals for Transition and Transformation", on my Published Works page.