
Dear Theodore Parker Church Members and Friends, 

I am thrilled to be the candidate for ministry at TPC!

Getting to know TPC more deeply throughout this search process has been such a joy. As a long-time Boston resident, I have long admired TPC as a vibrant church engaged in the community and striving for social justice. Through this search process, I have been so impressed by your connection to your history and your hopes for the future, the caring and warmth that exudes from your materials and from your Ministerial Search Committee, and your willingness to take risks in the service of love, justice, and growth. It is so clear that you are living your mission of reaching in, reaching out, and reaching forward, and I could not be more excited to be joining you on this journey. 

I am looking forward to getting to know one another more deeply through our Candidating Week in April, as we explore the exciting possibilities and promises for a shared future together. 


In faith,

Rev. Heather

photo by Shannon Stockwell

Photos by Shannon Stockwell